Nej, du skal ikke spise efter din blodtype. Men alle, der ændrer deres kost fra standard almindelig mad til mere grønt, mindre sukker og flere fibre, får en gavnlig effekt på deres helbred.
Det er resultatet af en seriøs undersøgelse af blodtypediæten:
Adherence to the Type-A diet was associated with lower BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA-Beta (P<0.05). Adherence to the Type-AB diet was also associated with lower levels of these biomarkers (P<0.05), except for BMI and waist circumference. Adherence to the Type-O diet was associated with lower triglycerides (P<0.0001). Matching the ‘Blood-Type’ diets with the corresponding blood group did not change the effect size of any of these associations. No significant association was found for the Type-B diet.
Adherence to certain ‘Blood-Type’ diets is associated with favorable effects on some cardiometabolic risk factors, but these associations were independent of an individual’s ABO genotype, so the findings do not support the ‘Blood-Type’ diet hypothesi (Se den fulde artikel her).
Altså er der absolut ingen sammenhæng mellem blodtypen og effekten på kostomlægningen.
Tilbage er så bare, endnu en gang, at tage afstand fra alle de spøjse madreligioner og fanatiske regimer og sige velkommen sund fornuft, facts og i høj grad NYDELSE!